Tuesday, November 1, 2011

As our state leaders move closer to allowing unsafe drilling across New York, the time to stand up against fracking is now.

I'm writing to you today because as concerned residents of the Catskills, we cannot stand by and watch as our water, our air and our health are threatened.  We cannot afford to take a backseat and watch as our vibrant lands and communities are turned into an industrialized fracking site.  The price that each of us will pay is too great.  We have only to look as far as our neighbors in Pennsylvania to see what a fracked future will look like for us.

Like many of you, I have been to Albany. I have stood outside the Capitol with hundreds of you who have been tirelessly fighting to protect our great state of New York from the dangers of fracking. I have met with our elected officials and articulated my opposition to the destruction and pollution it would bring to our state.  And I have heard the stories of devastation from around the country – some from neighboring communities just over the border in Pennsylvania.
Parents who have watched their children sickened by contaminated air

Farmers dealing with the loss of livestock from polluted waters

Homeowners reeling from ravaged property values as a result of their proximities to drilling operations

Whole communities losing their drinking water due to "accidents"

We cannot stand idly by and allow these stories to become our legacy.  I cannot and will not stand back and watch as these irreversibly damaging practices come into my community – destroying the lands that I love and endangering the health and livelihoods of my family, friends and neighbors.
I’m writing to urge you to take action TODAY.
In this fight, every voice matters. Stand up, speak out to say we won’t let fracking go forward in New York State.
Join the movement and ACT NOW!
What you can do:

There are a number of very important public hearings coming in November.  It’s critical that we get a huge turnout at each one because these are the hearings that will determine whether we STOP FRACKING in New York State and the Delaware River Basin. PLEASE COME TO AT LEAST ONE OF THESE HEARINGS - WE NEED YOU NOW.

            November 16 – Public Hearing on the dSGEIS - Dansville, NY

            November 17 – Public Hearing on the dSGEIS - Binghamton, NY

            November 21 – DRBC Hearing - Trenton, NJ

            November 29 -  Public Hearing on the dSGEIS – Loch Sheldrake, NY

            November 30 – Public Hearing on the dSGEIS – New York City

Click here for the dates and times of the dSGEIS hearings. If you cannot attend a hearing you can submit your comments to the DEC online here.  Use the  Catskill Mountainkeeper website as a resource.  For more information on the DRBC hearing click here.

Call Catskill Mountainkeeper at (845)482-5400 if you need more information regarding the hearings and the public comment process.

Forward this message to your friends, family and neighbors and ask them to forward it on. Get educated, especially about the health issues and threats.
Please make your voice heard and please support Catskill Mountainkeeper.
Thank you.

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