Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The NYCDEP Fall 2010 Watershed Recreation Newsletter

The NYCDEP Fall 2010 Watershed Recreation Newsletter can now be viewed on our website at:

Please visit our website at for additional information on DEP recreation opportunities and maps. Please be sure to keep your e-mail address current with us so that you continue to receive these e-mails as well as notices of when your DEP Access permit is about to expire.

DEP is responsible for balancing public recreation use with water quality protection for over 9 million New Yorkers. DEP has made major strides in recent years in opening lands and providing additional recreational opportunities. Updates on these can be found on our website. Additionally, recreational users such as yourself are the “eyes and ears” for DEP, as such we ask any suspicious activity observed on DEP lands or waters be reported immediately to the DEP Police at 1-888-H20SHED.

If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail us at or call 1-800-575-LAND.

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