Thursday, December 1, 2011

Video: Why Striped Bass Should Have "Game Fish Status"


Posted: 30 Nov 2011 12:57 PM PST

Striped Bass Gamefish from Taylor Vavra on Vimeo.

If you've found it difficult to make sense of all the arguments for giving the Atlantic striped bass "game fish status"——this film from Stripers Forever lays it all out for you. Some of the luminaries of saltwater fishing, from Lou Tabory to Rip Cunningham, weigh in on why this is an important fight for anglers. After you've watched the video, visit Stripers Forever online for more information and for tips on how you can help.

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1 comment:

Captain Ryan Collins said...

I commend Brad Burn’s enthusiasm and drive, however videos like this drive a stake between comm. and rec. fishermen when we really need to begin working together. NOAA’s catch share program is a far more threatening nemesis to the striped bass fishery than any commercial enterprise.

Please educate yourself about catch shares so we can move past the rec./comm. debate and save our right to fish period. Pick up an issue of the Big Game Fishing Journal or Google catch shares if you don’t know what I’m talking about.