Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Field Notes - Noteworthy News from NY Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
2010-2011 Hunting /Trapping and Fishing Guides Available on the Web
Visit the DEC web-site to review the new 2010-2011 NY Hunting & Trapping Laws and Regulations Guide ( You may scan through the guide online using the Interactive Viewer, or you may download specific sections or the entire guide. The 2010-2011 NY Fishing Regulations Guide ( is available to review in the Interactive Viewer, and will also be available shortly for download from the DEC website ( . Hardcopy versions of both guides will be available to license holders at all license issuing agents when 2010-2011 sporting licenses go on
Field Notes - Noteworthy News from NY Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
Attention Boaters and Anglers: Don't Spread Invasive Species! - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Attention Boaters and Anglers: Don't Spread Invasive Species!
Boats, along with boating and fishing equipment, can transport
undesirable invasive species.Boats, trailers, waders and other fishing and boating equipment can spread invasive species from waterbody to waterbody unless properly cleaned, dried or disinfected after use. Although some invasive species such as water milfoil are readily visible to the human eye, many others are too small to be readily noticed. To avoid spreading invasive species please follow the following guidelines:
INSPECT your boating and fishing equipment for invasive species. Outboard motor props, depth finder transducers and even fishing lures are great places for invasive species to attach.
Inspect your boat for attached plants and animals.
Motor props and fishing lures all provide convenient
locations for invasive plants and animals.REMOVE any visible mud, plants, fish or animals before transporting equipment. Discard items in an upland area or in one of the invasive species disposal stations that have been installed at many boat launch sites for your convenience.
Remove all invasive species from your boat and equipment.
Don't forget equipment such as
anchors and other gear.
Invasive species disposal stations, installed at
many DEC boat launches, provide a convenient
location to dispose of the invasive species you
remove from your boating and fishing equipment.CLEAN & DRY anything that comes into contact with water including boats, trailers, waders, bait buckets and other boating and fishing equipment. Boaters should be particularly aware of baitwells, livewells and bilge areas that are difficult to dry.
Dry all your equipment before using in another body of water.
Drain your boat before you leave the access site!DISINFECT your boating and fishing equipment with a disinfectant if it cannot be dried before it is used in another body of water.
Dear John,
The Open Space Institute is pleased to report that the U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 3534, the Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources (CLEAR) Act, which includes full funding for the critically important Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) at $900 million. The Senate could vote on a companion bill as soon as this week.
In light of this huge step forward, OSI salutes the many conservation partners who have been working alongside us and our Washington, DC affiliate, the Outdoors America Campaign (see Fall 2009 OSI Newsletter), to urge Congress to keep its promise to the American people by fully funding the LWCF.
In addition to its conservation funding component, the just-passed bill includes significant and wide-ranging reforms to ensure that oil and gas development on federal lands and waters proceeds efficiently while protecting human safety and the environment. It includes many provisions to facilitate the cleanup and restoration of the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of the Deepwater oil disaster.
The LWCF is the federal government’s primary tool for protecting America’s vast recreational and scenic open spaces. It was created 45 years ago, and through a 1977 Congressional directive, was set at a funding level of $900 million each year.
Since then, the LWCF, however, has never been adjusted for inflation; in reality, its land acquisition funds have nearly every year been “borrowed” for other purposes. LWCF funding has hovered around the $300-$400 million mark for many years, very rarely reaching its target of $900 million.
OSI thanks Congressman Nick Rahall (D-WV), chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, for introducing the CLEAR Act, and those members of Congress who recognized the importance of responsibly restoring the Gulf of Mexico and creating conservation safeguards to protect the special places that make America unique.
We are hopeful that this marks the real beginning of the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative that President Obama spoke about in Washington in April. If you’re so inclined, please contact your Senator and let him or her know you support the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act and a fully funded Land and Water Conservation Fund. We’ll let you know when we hear more.
- August 16, 2010 - Sporting License Sales.
The 2010-2011 hunting, trapping and freshwater fishing sporting license year will begin on October 1, 2010. Starting on August 16th, all sporting licenses (including the annual recreational marine fishing license valid from 1/1/2011-12/31/2011) will be available for purchase. Find out how to purchase a sporting license ( and review important dates regarding the new license year on the DEC web-site.